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Hello Spain

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Foro Virgen
Well this is all new!!! Mr Cubes are you here?????????
Foro Virgen
Kat i mighta known u would be the second person to post on a new site hahaha. Well its always worth keeping an eye out for activity in Spain for when we go on holiday. Any clubs or parties would be great. MnJ xx
[quote="minikat"]Well this is all new!!! Mr Cubes are you here?????????[/quote] shhhh! don't encourage him to put himself around even more than what he already does....*disgusted look*
Foro Virgen
It's good to see the same culprits here in Spain!!
Foro Virgen
[quote="Toots"]Yay Gustavv, you made it *waves*[/quote] It was a long swim, but I made it in the end. Had to fend off a few sharks on the way. *waves back*
Swim? blimey you do like doing it the hard way...take the TGV to either Perpignan or Biarritz next time, gets you through france and you can wander the rest of the way into Spain *smiling*